Takes away the Power from the Aua

Relief stress and tension with CBD.


If pain has you down, patch it up.

BioBloom CBD pain patches are small, highly effective, self-adhesive pain patches that provide long-term relief in stressed, strained areas. The hardly noticeable and visible patches have a selective, targeted and long-lasting pain-relieving effect and thus provide reliable relief for chronic complaints such as arthritis, back, neck, muscle and joint pain, as well as various sports injuries and sprains.

Produktwelt Header Pflaster
  • long-lasting pain relief
  • reduces swelling
  • dermatologically tested
  • over-the-counter

CBD – Does good when it hurts?

How does pain affect our daily lives?

Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional sensation that can be associated with actual or potential tissue damage. Pain can be triggered by a variety of causes, including injury, inflammation, infection, disease or misuse in everyday life, and lack of exercise. It can be acute or chronic and affect different areas of the body.

Pain can affect our daily lives with regard to many areas. Physical and daily activities may be restricted, nighttime rest may suffer, and mood and emotional well-being may be limited.

What is the role of the human endocannabinoid system?

The human body produces cannabinoids that are involved in or co-regulate a great many bodily functions. These endogenous cannabinoids are called endogenous cannabinoids, hence the name endocannabinoid system (ECS). These endogenous cannabinoids are the body’s natural chemical messengers.

The ECS is a component of the human nervous system. To date, two primary cannabinoid receptors have been determined: the CB1 receptor and the CB2 receptor. These are scattered throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems. They influence elemental bodily processes such as the regulation of appetite, our memory, pain perception, sleep, and also the body’s immune function.

A deficiency of endogenous cannabinoids causes disturbances in elementary bodily functions, which can lead to great stress and discomfort in general well-being, and sometimes even result in illness. Thus, an adequate supply of endogenous cannabinoids is important for physical balance and proper functioning of so many important bodily functions. The supply of exogenous phytocannabinoids, such as CBD, can help our body regulate elementary bodily functions such as the sensation of pain and stress, appetite, sleep, the immune system, inflammation and much more.


CBD – Does good when it hurts?

How does pain affect our daily lives?

Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional sensation that can be associated with actual or potential tissue damage. Pain can be triggered by a variety of causes, including injury, inflammation, infection, disease or misuse in everyday life, and lack of exercise. It can be acute or chronic and affect different areas of the body.

Pain can affect our daily lives with regard to many areas. Physical and daily activities may be restricted, nighttime rest may suffer, and mood and emotional well-being may be limited.

What is the role of the human endocannabinoid system?

The human body produces cannabinoids that are involved in or co-regulate a great many bodily functions. These endogenous cannabinoids are called endogenous cannabinoids, hence the name endocannabinoid system (ECS). These endogenous cannabinoids are the body’s natural chemical messengers.

The ECS is a component of the human nervous system. To date, two primary cannabinoid receptors have been determined: the CB1 receptor and the CB2 receptor. These are scattered throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems. They influence elemental bodily processes such as the regulation of appetite, our memory, pain perception, sleep, and also the body’s immune function.

A deficiency of endogenous cannabinoids causes disturbances in elementary bodily functions, which can lead to great stress and discomfort in general well-being, and sometimes even result in illness. Thus, an adequate supply of endogenous cannabinoids is important for physical balance and proper functioning of so many important bodily functions. The supply of exogenous phytocannabinoids, such as CBD, can help our body regulate elementary bodily functions such as the sensation of pain and stress, appetite, sleep, the immune system, inflammation and much more.

What makes BioBloom stand out?


Bio Austria
Quality Partner

Icon-frei von Zusasatzstoffen

natural products
for better health

Icon-Geprüfte Qualität

tested & certified


regional producer
from Austria


Takes the power out of the ouch

Stressed areas such as the neck, knees and joints and typical complaints that occur after intensive sports and exercise, after long periods of sedentary work or often due to age, require effective products that relieve and soothe. We have dealt intensively with these complaints and, together with doctors, have developed and produced a cooling organic CBD ointment that regenerates, soothes and relieves in a 100% natural way. So that you can enjoy movement again!

The organic CBD ointment aua power contains 600mg CBD, the full spectrum of the hemp plant and for the first time an extract from the hemp root, which has remarkable beneficial properties. Also included are comfrey, sweet clover and devil’s claw extracts, essential oils of frankincense, lavender, menthol and others, as well as hemp and almond oil, aloe vera and many other soothing and regenerating plant-based active ingredients. The unique organic formula was developed together with doctors and is free of THC.

Takes the power out of the ouch

Stressed areas such as the neck, knees and joints and typical complaints that occur after intensive sports and exercise, after long periods of sedentary work or often due to age, require effective products that relieve and soothe. We have dealt intensively with these complaints and, together with doctors, have developed and produced a cooling organic CBD ointment that regenerates, soothes and relieves in a 100% natural way. So that you can enjoy movement again!

The organic CBD ointment aua power contains 600mg CBD, the full spectrum of the hemp plant and for the first time an extract from the hemp root, which has remarkable beneficial properties. Also included are comfrey, sweet clover and devil’s claw extracts, essential oils of frankincense, lavender, menthol and others, as well as hemp and almond oil, aloe vera and many other soothing and regenerating plant-based active ingredients. The unique organic formula was developed together with doctors and is free of THC.


The hemp root – rediscovered by BioBloom

The use of the root of the hemp plant has in itself a long tradition. It is believed to be as long as the hemp plant has been cultivated at all. And this goes back to the 4th millennium BC. Its medicinal use was reported by the polymath Ibn Sina (980 -1037), and he is referred to in writings from the 12th century, which document the use of hemp root to reduce fever in the form of hemp root compresses.

This was followed by many other scholars who described the effects of hemp root. For example, in 1542, the German physician and plant scientist Leonhart Fuchs wrote in his herbal book about the use of hemp root decoction for gout and joint pain.

We at BioBloom now want to revive this long tradition. In a joint research project with the Vienna University of Technology, we have examined several commercial hemp varieties for their active ingredient content, because the chemical composition as well as the medicinal effect of the cannabis root differs greatly from the nature of the above-ground hemp plant parts. Especially the two triterpenes Friedelin and Epifriedelanol stand out. With the help of an optimized extraction method, we at BioBloom can extract and preserve the valuable triterpenes and other ingredients of the hemp root in the best possible way. This hemp root extract is used by us for the first time in the organic CBD pain ointments aua power and aua power plus, which additionally contain CBD, as well as the full extract of the hemp plant and other effective natural active ingredients. The full power of the hemp plant, from root to tip!


The hemp root – rediscovered by BioBloom

The use of the root of the hemp plant has in itself a long tradition. It is believed to be as long as the hemp plant has been cultivated at all. And this goes back to the 4th millennium BC. Its medicinal use was reported by the polymath Ibn Sina (980 -1037), and he is referred to in writings from the 12th century, which document the use of hemp root to reduce fever in the form of hemp root compresses.

This was followed by many other scholars who described the effects of hemp root. For example, in 1542, the German physician and plant scientist Leonhart Fuchs wrote in his herbal book about the use of hemp root decoction for gout and joint pain.

We at BioBloom now want to revive this long tradition. In a joint research project with the Vienna University of Technology, we have examined several commercial hemp varieties for their active ingredient content, because the chemical composition as well as the medicinal effect of the cannabis root differs greatly from the nature of the above-ground hemp plant parts. Especially the two triterpenes Friedelin and Epifriedelanol stand out. With the help of an optimized extraction method, we at BioBloom can extract and preserve the valuable triterpenes and other ingredients of the hemp root in the best possible way. This hemp root extract is used by us for the first time in the organic CBD pain ointments aua power and aua power plus, which additionally contain CBD, as well as the full extract of the hemp plant and other effective natural active ingredients. The full power of the hemp plant, from root to tip!


Headwork with ease

The BioBloom roll-on pen head on provides refreshing relief from discomfort in the head, mental exhaustion, tension, etc. due to its unique formula with natural oils, high-quality hemp penene and CBD. In addition, it strengthens your concentration and focus.

head on contains a high-quality blend of hemp seed, argan and jojoba oils. In combination with 120 mg of natural CBD, hemp fen, essential oils of orange, lavender and eucalyptus as well as soothing natural active ingredients such as menthol, camphor and frankincense, head on provides relief from discomfort in the head, mental fatigue, tension, etc. and for more concentration as well as focus.

The high-quality oil base cares for the skin and the all-natural roll-on stick with a stainless steel ball contains no alcohol. This makes it very skin-friendly and does not cause skin irritation.


Headwork with ease

The BioBloom roll-on pen head on provides refreshing relief from discomfort in the head, mental exhaustion, tension, etc. due to its unique formula with natural oils, high-quality hemp penene and CBD. In addition, it strengthens your concentration and focus.

head on contains a high-quality blend of hemp seed, argan and jojoba oils. In combination with 120 mg of natural CBD, hemp fen, essential oils of orange, lavender and eucalyptus as well as soothing natural active ingredients such as menthol, camphor and frankincense, head on provides relief from discomfort in the head, mental fatigue, tension, etc. and for more concentration as well as focus.

The high-quality oil base cares for the skin and the all-natural roll-on stick with a stainless steel ball contains no alcohol. This makes it very skin-friendly and does not cause skin irritation.

Fragen und Antworten zu den Produkten

Was ist das Besondere an aua power und wie wirkt sie?
aua power enthält ausschließlich natürliche und pflanzliche Wirkstoffe. Einzigartig ist die Hanfwurzel, die eigene wertvolle Eigenschaften besitzt, im besonderen die Triterpene Friedelin und Epifriedelanol. Durch ein optimiertes Extraktionsverfahren können sie in Kombination mit CBD, dem Vollspektrum sowie mit den weiteren wohltuenden, pflanzlichen Wirkstoffen ihre volle Wirkung entfalten. Aufgrund der Natürlichkeit und Bio Qualität ist aua power eine 100% natürliche und wirkungsvolle Alternative für beanspruchte Bereiche.
Bei welchen Belastungen kann ich aua power anwenden?
Unsere Bio CBD Salbe kann bei körperlichen Belastungen äußerlich angewendet werden. Sie schafft sowohl bei chronischen Belastungen als auch nach intensiven körperlichen Aktivitäten wie Sport verlässlich Abhilfe.
Was muss ich bei der Anwendung beachten?
Entnimm die Salbe bitte mit einem sauberen Spatel oder Löffel, massiere sie an den betroffenen Stellen gut ein und lass sie einwirken. Wenn du einen Kompressionsverband verwendest, lass sie nach dem Einmassieren kurz eintrocknen. Bitte vor und nach der Anwendung die Hände waschen. Eventuell auftretende Verfärbungen sind durch die enthaltenen Naturstoffe bedingt und unbedenklich.
Wie lange darf ich aua power anwenden?
Wende aua power so lange an, bis Erleichterung an den belasteten Körperstellen eintritt.
Ist in aua power THC enthalten?

aua power ist frei von THC.

Wie lange darf ich aua power anwenden?
Wende aua power so lange an, bis Erleichterung an den belasteten Körperstellen eintritt.
Wie lange ist aua power haltbar?
aua power ist 6 Monate haltbar.
Wie lange darf ich aua power anwenden?
Wende aua power so lange an, bis Erleichterung an den belasteten Körperstellen eintritt.
Was unterscheidet head on von üblichen Roll-Ons?
Wir haben in der Entwicklung unseres Roll-Ons head on auch auf (Haut)verträglichkeit großen Wert gelegt. head on enthält im Gegensatz zu üblichen Roll-Ons keinen Alkohol, der vielfach Hautreizungen hervorruft. Zudem sorgt die hochwertige Bio Öl Basis (Hanfsamen-, Argan- und Jojobaöl) für eine pflegende Wirkung.
Was macht die Rezeptur von head on so besonders?
Der BioBloom Roll-On enthält ausschließlich natürliche Inhaltsstoffe, die leicht kühlend wirken. Die hochwertige Öl Basis aus Hansamen-, Argan- und Jojobaöl, die ätherischen Öle aus Orange, Lavendel und Eukalyptus, wohltuendes und erfrischendes Menthol, Kampfer, Weihrauch und viele natürliche Inhaltsstoffe entlasten in Kombination mit CBD und Hanfterpenen bei Verspannungen, Kopfweh und mentaler Erschöpfung – auf 100% natürliche Art und Weise. Außerdem zeichnet sich die natürliche Rezeptur durch einen angenehmen und erfrischenden Geruch aus, der positiv und unterstützend auf Durchblutung, Konzentration und Fokus wirkt. Zudem enthält head on keinen Alkohol und ist somit besonders hautverträglich.
Was ist das Besondere an dem CBD Schmerzpflaster pain patch?
pain patch wirkt lokal und langanhaltend schmerzlindernd. Es ist sehr elastisch und selbstklebend und schränkt dadurch den Alltag nicht ein.
Kann es zu Hautreizungen kommen?
Die praktischen, selbstklebenden und elastischen Pflaster haben keinerlei hautreizenden Effekt und sind kaum spürbar.
Wie wende ich das CBD Schmerzpflaster an?
BioBloom CBD pain patch sollte nur auf äußerlich auf der Haut verwendet werden. Reinige und trockne die betroffene Stelle, bevor du das Produkt auf der Haut anbringst. Entferne die Unterlage vom Pflaster und klebe das Pflaster auf den betroffenen Bereich. Verwende das Pflaster nicht auf verletzter oder gereizter Haut (z.B. auf sonnenverbrannter, infizierter Haut oder auf Haut mit Kratz- und Schnittwunden oder Ausschlag).
Bei welchen Beschwerden kann ich BioBloom CBD pain patch anwenden?
Du kannst pain patch sowohl bei chronischen Beschwerden wie Arthritis, Gelenks-, Rücken- und Muskelschmerzen als auch bei akuten Verletzungen wie Verstauchungen und Sportverletzungen anwenden.
Wann darf ich BioBloom CBD pain patch nicht anwenden?
Dieses Produkt ist nicht für Kinder unter 14 Jahren geeignet. Verwende das Pflaster nicht auf verletzter oder gereizter Haut (z.B. auf sonnenverbrannter, infizierter Haut oder auf Haut mit Kratz- und Schnittwunden oder Ausschlag). Personen mit einer Allergie gegen Alkohol, Lösungsmittel oder einen der Inhaltsstoffe sollten das Produkt nicht verwenden.

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